Tuesday, April 28, 2009

it's been awhile...

Approximately... seventeen days.  Oufta.  I bet you missed me.

Anywho, I'm currently in my second dead week of my college career.  It's really not that dead, actually it's kind of lame.  We're not supposed to have club activities or anything outside of classes (which is true, because we don't), but could the teachers not give quizzes or homework? Cause that'd be awesome. Like... super awesome.

I've been procrastinating pretty bad lately.  I just don't want to do any of the things I have to do.  I can't wait until summer. ABSOLUTELY CANNOT WAIT.  This is calling my name ---> 

What else have I been up to??  Well it was my birthday not too long ago, but it was also my sister's prom.  I shouldn't say "but".  It was my sister's prom on that day too!  It was fun because I got to help her get all ready and take some pictures as well.  I'm glad she gets to experience prom because it really is a lot of fun.  Not to mention, her and her date looked pretty good.  I personally loved the dress she chose.  (See below for photo.)  Yeah, they're pretty classy.
Anywho, I made this nifty mosaic today.  It's really sweet.  I've found Flickr, hahhaha (it's where I got the pictures).  I know people have been using it since practically forever.. but I never realized how awesomely amazing it is!  People take such great pictures.  I would absolutely love to be a photographer, sincerely.  There are so many things I want to do it's insane.  Oh well. Hopefully I find time for it all!  Between an aspiring magazine writer to either a English or Spanish teacher, to a book store owner, and then we gotta fit the photography in there!  Oh man.

Oh.  So here's the mosaic:
I like it anyway.
So, hmmm... I suppose I should work on my final for my teaching class?  I think that sounds like a good idea.

Anywho, have a superb day!

I forgot to tell you... I have a secret obsession with the Jonas Brothers.  I probably couldn't even give you a solid reason as to why I like them so much.  It's actually pretty dang bad.  I, personally, am pretty open to any kind of music genre, so there's no way I'm going to shut them out because they're "pop" or "girly".  Have you listen to Nick or Joe sing?  Really, they have some pretty decent vocals.  Granted, they are not my absolute, all-time favorite group/musicians, but I do enjoy their music.  It's feel good!  Their music makes me happy. Sometimes all the depressing songs just get old and I don't care to listen to it.  Lovebug is my personal favorite Jo Bro song.  Seriously, it makes me smile.  

Okay, so where was my point with that??  Right, I'm going to their concert this summer. :) Anddd.. on their new album (due out in June, Rolling Stone magazine calls it one of the year's 45 biggest albums) they have a song called Poision Ivy.  YE-AH.  I'll just say it's about a girl who's intoxicatingly hard to resist.  

I suppose now is a good time to mention that they wrote it about me?  

You could call me cocky.

Alright, so I'm gonna peace out now.  Sorry again about that Jonas Brothers rant.  I'm sure you think I'm most definitely ridiculous.  What can I say?  I do not disagree with you.

Website of the day:  www.flickr.com
Song to check out:  I Like You So Much Better When You're Naked by Ida Marie

Saturday, April 11, 2009

rowdy dogs

My little dog, Ellie, loves to bark. Seriously. You stick her in the backyard and all she does is yap her fool head off. It makes me feel bad for our neighbors because sometimes we just get annoyed with her and leave her out there. We should probably just bring her inside and scold her. If she's barking at people outside though, she does get a good talking to. Just look at her though... she's too cute to resist! And she's sassy. Super sassy. For Christmas 2007, Emma and I bought her that flashy little collar she's got on. Yeah, then she felt pretty dang sexy.

If a dog can feel sexy. I guess I really don't know.

Anyway, I was sick this entire past week. It sucked something major. It all started out with a stuffy nose, then it slowly proceeded to throw up and nastiness. I missed two days of classes and am currently two and a half chapters behind in my psych reading. No biggie though, right? Hahhaha. I honestly just cannot wait for this school year to be finished. I get the feeling that after freshmen year it gets a little easier to adjust to the new college life.

Next weekend I'm coming home (again) for my little sister's prom. It should be a fun ordeal, as she has purchased this really pretty dress. And okay, that chick is not my sister. Unless you chop her legs off at the knee and color her brown, then it could be questionable. I do love the dress though, I think I would have picked it for myself had I been going to prom again. It'll be exciting for her to get her hair all done and all the jazz.

Last night, I saw the movie I Love You, Man. Gooood movie. It was rather funny. I went to it with my sister and my two cousins (16 and 14 year-olds). I believe they all enjoyed it as well. Lot of good quotes from that movie, definitely.

Okay, speaking of movies... would you like to hear my top movies to see for this up and coming summer? (The ones that I know of anyway.) I think you do, so here they are in no particular order:

Night At The Museum 2: Battle Of The Smithsonian
Disney Pixar's Up
Land of the Lost
Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Now, here are some others that sound like they have quite the potential for being ones I will see:

Angels and Demons
The Taking Of Pelham 123
Year One
Public Enemies
Inglourious Basterds

That's all for now. I will try to keep you updated on how those movies turn out. That is, if I have the money to attend all these! Oh, but I forget that there's a new, cheap theater in town! Ohhh the glory.

Well, I suppose that's enough for now. I should shower and maybe visit some family while I'm in town.


Website for today: http://harrypotter.warnerbros.com/

Good music: That's Why I'm Talkin' to You by Jon McLaughlin

Thursday, April 2, 2009

V8 and triple majors

Sooo... Thursdays.. eh?

I'm currently not accomplishing my English outline for the huge research paper I have to do. Okay, not that huge. But, it's six pages and my topic is the psychological effects of divorce on children. Yeeahhhh. It's okay though, I can handle it. I actually love writing papers as long as I can write them about what I want to write about. Anyway, I'm supposed to have an outline done for it because I have to meet with my teacher for a "conference". Should be good.

I love spring. Sometimes I think I use the word "love" too often. Some people say, "OHMYGOSH, I LOOOVEEE PUPPIES!!" I don't care for that. I like to switch up my adjectives. So actually what I wanted to say was, I have a strong inclination toward spring. (I seriously hope that makes sense cause I just looked it up in the thesaurus.) ---Insert picture of thesaurus here. Sorry, it's not letting me put up pictures right now.---

Oh. I'm supposed to let you know that I'm talking to the most kick ass person right now, and no it is not Aerosmith...it's B-Ritta. That's her little shout-out.

V8's new juice, V-Fusion is the most amazing juice ever. I was very skeptical on trying this juice, but it is absolutely delicious. You'll have to look for it in stores. It has a full serving of both fruits and vegetables, but it doesn't taste like veggies at all! I've seen three flavors so far: pomegranate berry, strawberry banana, and peach mango. I've only had the first two cause I'm not a fan of peach, but it's probably good.

So.. I'm thinking about adding another major??? CAN THIS BE POSSIBLE? So far I've already got a double major in Journalism/Mass Communications and English Education. The other major I'm considering is Spanish. It'll only be an extra class a semester... but I don't know. I think I'm going to study abroad next summer in Spain, so that'll definitely help my Spanish-speaking skills! I can't help it that I absolutely adore that language. It's weird. Don't worry, I know.

Uhhmm... so that's pretty much it for today. I'm really hyper and I should get going to use this energy to get stuff done. Like that outline. AH!

Adios amigos.

Website of the day: Converse

Song that I'm diggin': Sweet and Low by Augustana