This is a little blog about... well.. basically nothing. I will probably just be letting you all in on my weird habits and the things I find glorious in life. Oh yeah, and I think I'm hilarious most of the time. So again, this is for my amusement.
The summer job hunt is on. It's so sucky that the economy is down the tube because I really need a job. I think I'm going to return to my job from last summer at the town newspaper, but I need another job on the side. For that, I'm thinking about applying to do custodial work at the high school. Hopefully that works out cause it'd be super nice to earn extra cash for college.
Man I wish I had some ice cream right now. I GOT NEW SHOES. This is exciting for me. The last time I got a good new pair of shoes that cost a decent amount of money was like... two years ago when I got my Converse. Mom must have been feeling a little crazy because she let me get a new pair of Converse (which are sweet) and a pair of Nikes (which I haven't owned since probably the eighth grade). Since I'm blessed with narrow fit (unlike the rest of my family), I can fit into pretty much any shoe. So finding them isn't so much of a problem. My mom, on the other hand, has a terrible time trying to find ones that are wide enough. It's not like she has duck feet, they're.. indian feet, as she calls them. Whatever, we'll go with that. I guess Nike makes shoes for people with indian feet because they're unnaturally wide. Go figure. Nike does everything.
Wow, that's enough talking for today. Gotta try to accomplish some spanish homework!
Today's website of the day (yeah, I know I've been slacking): F My Life
I've had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn't it.